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People have different agreements and fixed ideas and experiences. You have to get your message across to your target market that is going to communicate to them. And you already have access to all their data – age ranges, credit scores, credit rating, income, etc.

Usually, you really have to do a sincere survey. Those are the two products that you start with. Once you have consistently marketed that product for a while, then you can supplement your marketing strategy and market the other product, the one paying the biggest commission – while keeping the campaign continuing on your bread and butter. Most people do Rabbit fur with white print faux fur fabric not know there are all types of rates and products that are available to them depending on their credit, income, etc.

A one-man band with 30 different products to sell needs to know HOW to promote, WHAT to promote and WHO to promote to. that elicits emotional response. One person, who is really into boats and is reading Nova Online – Speed Machines, would understand a jet hydroplane with a lightweight composite hull and a jet engine that could deliver 5,500 horsepower with the afterburner lit. If you found the product you sold the most of was to first-time home buyers , then you know they have little or no experience with mortgages. Just like there is a totally different target audience for The Lawrence Welk Show. Get on their mailing list. What is it about them that would make your message mean something? It is all analysis.Marketing smart means marketing first what you sell the most of, the fastest. When you start researching, you cannot go off of assumptions because you know what they say about a-s-s-u-m-e. (If you never heard of these, then more than likely you aren’t their audience.

Thinking it is a particular product rather than doing an empirical study is not marketing smart - because you may be wrong - believe it or not. When you are working from home, you need to be twice as smart when it comes to your marketing. When you don’t have a marketing expert telling you what to do, you may still need that expert’s help. A market is a type of audience, a type of user. Look at their marketing materials so you can see what they send you – not you as broker, but you as a potential customer. You need to find out what the button is that people will respond to, that will get them to come to you for loans or refinancing or what-have-you. Now that you know which product to start with, you have to know who is going to buy it, which comes to our next step Research to find who the audience is that you are going to sell to., picking up the kids from school, dealing with the boss at work, etc. How you do it? Make a spreadsheet and go through all of your past closes over the last few years. That is not so hard when you know how to market. People may not understand No PMI, but they understand fast cash. Not everyone is watching Alan Greenspan every day!

Another thing you need to know, before you decide what it is you need to say in your message, is that it is very hard to educate people – they don’t want to be educated necessarily. Then you can start marketing to your bread and butter first. Sure, if you could market with XYZ’s big-time budget, then you could get more leads and close more loans..You’re an independent loan officer that works from home, but you still want to sell like you’re backed up by the Big Dogs.

It all comes down to RESEARCH. Once you have the demographics of the people that buy your easiest-to-sell product, then get a list of that particular type of audience. Besides, it is your list and the postage that are going to be the most expensive parts of your direct mail campaign. The reason you want to do such a thorough job of finding out who you are selling to is that 40% of your marketing campaign’s success (success meaning whether or not you get a good response) is dependent on your list. So here again, do research to get that help or assistance. In other words, they are going to understand it and RESPOND. Take for example the Will and Grace Show.) Case in point: you have to determine who your audience is, which is called a market. That is an important datum – it sums it all up. But, what if you don’t have that kind of marketing budget? There is still a way to get those leads; you just have to get smart about it - like the Big Dogs. You can go to a list company that you feel good about and have gotten recommendations for, and buy a list of people within that criteria. And these people are not necessarily illiterate hicks from Country-Bumpkinville! They are educated people, but they have lots of other things they deal with everyday that take up all their time, e. So, figure out everything you can about that particular market that buys your bread-and-butter product.g. Look at it from a different angle. For example: Someone that has bought several homes has more experience on that line than someone who has never bought a home. You don’t really want to say, I’m the best broker ever that can match up any product with any customer! although that may seem like a good idea. Most people are not educated in your particular product. To figure out what you want to say, you have to figure out what people will respond to. But another guy, who has never owned a boat before, may just think it is just another fast boat and all he’s looking to buy is a fast boat - without all the engineering details.What you have to do is go through your client list and tabulate what product you sell the most of.You will be able to see exactly what product you are selling the most of and what product you are making the most money on.

Go on the internet to find the biggest lenders web sites. You’ll probably find two products. But everybody wants to own their own home; so what you want to say to them is You CAN own your own home – it’s EASY!, or something of the sort. Not would want to watch that. The hardest part is figuring out what to sell to whom. Working out of your home, you don’t have access to the Big Mortgage Bank’s Marketing Department. First of all, a lot of people don’t even know what a mortgage broker does!! So don’t say that. After you research out who your target market is, Figure out what to say to them. You have to market differently to different types of people. Not all audiences are the same.

The thing about people in a certain profession or a certain industry is that they have been in their industry for so long and know so much about their profession that they start to think that people know as much as they do – or should know as much as they do. A button is a word, phrase, picture, etc. However, if what you sell the most of is what you make the most amount of money on, then that is pretty fantastic – but not likely. List them out: Product A, B, C, D – get every close you made over the past few years and mark down what the product was and what you earned off of it. Tip: do another spread sheet. You are looking to market the product that makes you the most income the quickest FIRST. Research which product you need to market